Garage Moisture: How To Put A Stop To It

Posted on: 9 November 2017

Moisture in your garage is something that shouldn't happen. If the garage floor is wet following a rain or snow thaw, it's time to do something about it. If you put off this repair, you could begin to have problems with the flooring, as well as see damage to the stuff you have stored in your garage. Following are some steps you can take to eliminate moisture in your garage.
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Bringing Appeal To The Exterior Of A House

Posted on: 8 November 2017

The exterior of a house plays as much of a role as making you feel comfortable as the interior. Living in a house that has no curb appeal can cause you to avoid spending time on the outside as much as you would like to. Depending on the condition of the exterior, you might be able to get away with make only a few changes to make it beautiful. For instance, if you have a garage, it is a good idea to focus some attention on the look and operation of the door.
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Four Garage Door Accessories That Keep Everyone Safe

Posted on: 1 November 2017

Every garage door company provides garage doors, but did you know that many of these companies also provide garage door safety and security accessories? Your garage door is only as secure as you make it, which is why these companies provide consumers with options to make their doors secure. Garage doors can also cause damage and injuries, so you should consider some safety accessories as well. The following accessories illustrate how you can create a good balance between safety and security for your new garage door.
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Have You Just Increased Your Curb Appeal By Installing A New Garage Door? Here's How To Keep It In Perfect Working Order

Posted on: 4 October 2017

Proper maintenance of your garage door, such as lubricating the moving parts and making sure the balance of the door is correct, can add years to the lifespan of your garage door by ensuring the the motor is not overloaded and none of the components are at risk of failure. One important tip when working with your garage door, even when doing routine maintenance tasks, is to not touch any of the springs or cables, especially if they appear frayed, rusted or damaged.
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