Two Questions Concerning Garage Door Spring Problems

Posted on: 16 April 2018

There are many different components of your garage door opener that will be needed if it is to be able to function as intended. In particular, the primary garage door spring will be critical for allowing the opener to lift and lower the door in a controlled manner. When this part of the garage door suffers problems, the performance of the entire system can suffer. Making sure that you have at least a basic awareness of this part of the door will be necessary to be able to handle these matters.
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Three Signs You Need Professional Garage Door Repair

Posted on: 8 March 2018

Your garage door sees a great deal of wear and tear every day, as it is exposed to both the exterior weather conditions and a great deal of pressure and friction through normal operation. Over time, this can result in a number of mechanical issues with your garage door. Understanding some of the warning signs associated with a garage door that has become damaged and is in need of repairs can help you identify problems early, so that a professional can inspect and repair your door before it turns into a serious safety hazard.
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Does The Whole Garage Door Have To Be Replaced If Only One Section Is Damaged?

Posted on: 27 November 2017

The garage door is probably one of the commonly damaged parts of the home because it is constantly in use. If the door is damaged and only one section is broken, you may be wondering whether you can simply replace the busted part or if you must buy a whole new door. It depends on a couple of factors. Here are a few things to consider. What's the Extent of the Damage?
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Three Reasons Why It's A Good Idea To Get Garage Door Estimates

Posted on: 11 November 2017

You need a new garage door. It may be because the old one does not stay on its tracks anymore, or maybe your teenager hit the closed door with the family car. Whatever the reason, do not buy the first door offered by the first garage door contractor you meet. As with all house-related projects, get garage door estimates first. Here are some reasons why. The Same Garage Door Could Be Three Different Prices with Three Different Contractors
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